Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hearts Day

I'm been a slacker so far in February with the blog, but I feel like I've truly been in survivor mode with the nausea, fatigue and throwing up. Like I said before, Tad is AMAZING and has really been my rock. Thank God the man loves me like the church and doesn't mind a little lot of housework.

Jenny said she wished she had kept a little log of symptoms to know if the pregnancy was the same for each of her kids so here's a quick recap of what I've felt:

Week 9: Hardest week to date in a lot of ways. The nausea wasn't constant, but I threw up more. It was sudden waves of nausea when I let myself get too hungry and then tried to eat something too late. Didn't work well. I'm not sure I'll be eating collard greens for a while. That burned coming up. Sorry, TMI. The fatigue was also at a high. There were a couple of nights I went to bed at 7 or 8 o'clock and still didn't feel rested when my alarm went off at 6:15 AM (so I would snooze until 7:00). My friend Jamie (Myle's wife) said she tried to explain to him that it was a tired she had never felt before. I couldn't agree more. She also said that getting up with Jude at all hours of the night still doesn't compare to the fatigue she felt during the first trimester. THERE'S HOPE! ;)

Week 10: I pretty much slept the weekend away, even though it was 60 and sunny outside and I could've used a dose of vitamin D. I did go to a wine party (and faked it really well, if I do say so myself) and then to Married Life Live at Buckhead Church with some of our small group and the Peeks. Tad wanted to get a drink afterwards with friends since he passed his EMT practical, but thankfully Jenny took me home and we both fell asleep on the couch watching The Office. I'm glad I have another worn out pregnant companion. :) As far as symptoms, the nausea has gotten better, but I'm not sure if it's because I figured out how to keep it under control or if it's going away. I'm hoping for the latter. Sunday I went to Target to buy a bella band and then went to the grocery store, and I remember thinking wow, what a big deal - I really have been avoiding the public, except work people and small group. Of course, I threw up when I got home because I was out too long without eating. :)

So this blog is not a pity me party even though I felt like all I've got to tell of the pregnancy so far is a positive pee stick and the terrible side effects... but there is good news! We had our second midwife visit yesterday. This time we met with Anjli and we loved her just as much as Margaret! How lucky are we to instantly fall in love with the people delivering this baby? I feel like it's such a blessing, and that the birthing experience will be so much better because one of them will be a part of it.

This appointment was a little more invasive than the last, but I was thankful for that because I wanted all the confirmation I could get! First she did a general physical exam and then she took a look at my cervix. She said, "It's the color of pregnancy -- a bluish tint." Who knew the thing changed colors? God didn't miss any details, that's for sure. Then she felt it and said it was the right size for 9.5 - 10 weeks along. (I was 10 weeks on Saturday.) It felt good to know my body was doing the right things to support the baby.

But the most exciting part of the visit was that we heard the heartbeat and it was the best V Day gift EVER! I was a little worried it was still too early, but she found it pretty quickly and it was 150-160 bpm which she said is good! We recorded it and have been listening to it a lot like little giddy kids. It was very exciting! She said the chances of miscarriage after hearing a heartbeat go down to about 3%. Music to my ears!

Tad was hoping to tell folks after hearing the heartbeat, but I'm still holding on to the 12 week mark. It's just what you do, right? I know my parents and Tad's parents are really eager, but I told them both that's the deal with finding out first, you gotta wait the longest to spread the news.

Here's to a fast two weeks!

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