Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mark Henry is 2!

I'm obviously a terrible blogger because I haven't posted in almost a year, but I did want to come on here and say MARK HENRY IS TWO! Our big boy is a toddler. tear. We celebrated at Brook Run Park with friends and family. He is very busy and loves running around and playing on the playground. Tad and his dad also made him a car ramp to race cars and that was a big hit. It was a fun morning even though it rained us out after an hour or so. :)
So what is MH up to as a two year old?
- He's very busy, running around and jabbering non-stop. I can't even count how many words he has in his vocab, but he'll copy anything you say.
- He's obsessed with all mode of transportation... trains, cars, airplanes. You will typically find him with a matchbox car in each hand at all times.
- He loves to read, especially his new Thomas the Train book that he got from the Fields for his birthday. We probably read him 10 books/day. I hope this continues as he gets older and he's a lover of books like his mama!
- He really doesn't have a sense of danger yet, which means he's constantly running on the couch and our bed. Even after falling off, he doesn't care. He now hates getting in the stroller when we leave GP for Kids. Since we take the train, I'm not ready to have him on the Marta platform without being restrained but we'll see how long that lasts. Every time I go to put him in there, he says "walk, walk". There have been times where I've let him be free, but it just leads to a breakdown outside of Peachtree Center when I finally have to put him in there before we get down stairs.
- All of his teeth are in except the molars. I wouldn't say he's a "biter" but he has bit me a couple of times. Ouch.
- His favorite meal is breakfast (he eats more than Tad most mornings) and his favorite foods are [anything] sweet, corn on the cob (it's cute to watch him eat it) and french fries. He'll also eat broccoli, peas, beans though. We try to keep things balanced as best we can, but some days he just doesn't want to eat.